We have received your request for a case evaluation, and someone from our office will contact you shortly to help you through this troubling time.

In the meantime, to maximize your potential compensation and speed to get you a favorable result with this case, we suggest gathering any appropriate documents such as medical records and police reports that support your claim. If you are unsure if these documents exist or cannot obtain them, we can help you as soon as we get in touch.

Now that you’ve contacted us, you’re in good hands. We will be in touch ASAP.

Here are some examples of recent client testimonials and case results showing how we’ve been able to help others in a similar situation.

No matter how hopeless or helpless your situation may seem at this time, we will do what we can to help make it better.


Jeff Robinette and the Robinette Legal Group Team

Our Awards and Certifications


Free Case Evaluation

(304) 594-1800 CALL 24/7