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Why Do Insurance Companies Lowball?

Posted On January 23, 2025 I Insurance Issues

Why do insurance companies lowball? Can you name another business that prioritizes people over profits? Insurance companies are businesses with one mission: to maximize their profits. They do not have your best interest at heart and will do whatever they can to minimize your settlement, including acting like a concerned best friend on the other…

Insurance Coverage for West Virginia Pedestrian Accidents

Posted On January 18, 2024 I Insurance Issues,Pedestrian Accidents

All traffic accidents can cause devastating injuries, but collisions between an automobile and a pedestrian can be particularly catastrophic. The massive size differential between the two means such accidents are often life-threatening for the pedestrian, even when they happen at relatively low speeds. If the motorist caused the crash, an injured pedestrian can seek compensation…

Should I Salvage my Vehicle After an Accident?

Posted On February 27, 2022 I Car Accidents,Insurance Issues

Should I Salvage my Vehicle? Many people don’t know that they must preserve evidence that caused their personal injury claim. If you discard evidence (called “spoliation”), you may be prohibited from asserting part or even all of your injury claim. In auto injury claims, you must preserve the evidence that is under your control or…

How Insurance Companies Determine Pain and Suffering Damages

Posted On February 7, 2022 I Insurance Issues

Anytime a person sustains an injury caused by the careless actions of others, they need to be able to recover compensation for their losses. This includes compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and property damage expenses. Additionally, pain and suffering damages are often available to victims. It is important to understand how insurance carriers determine…

Can I File an Accident Claim if I Do Not Have Insurance?

What if I Don’t Have Insurance? Can I File An Injury Claim? The Insurance Information Institute estimates that in 2015, about 10 percent of West Virginia’s drivers did not carry auto insurance. Are you one of them? If so, can you file a car accident claim seeking compensation for injuries, damages and losses if you…

How To Protect Yourself and Your Family From Irresponsible, Uninsured Drivers

Posted On June 1, 2018 I Car Accidents,Firm News,Insurance Issues

  What You Absolutely Need to Understand About Your Auto Insurance: Uninsured UM) and Underinsured Motorist (UIM) Coverage Video Transcript: Hello, I’m Attorney Jeff Robinette. I would like to discuss with you what insurance applies to automobile collision claims. First of all, in West Virginia, like most states, there are minimum statutory limits for liability…

WV Senate Bill 277, Establishment of an Intermediate Appellate Court

Posted On February 15, 2017 I Firm News,Insurance Issues,Legislation and New Laws

SB 277: Unnecessary, Unaffordable, and Wrong for West Virginia With the current legislative session now under way, tort reform advocates have stepped up their efforts to push through legislation that will benefit corporate and insurance industry interests. One such piece of legislation, SB 277, calls for the establishment of an intermediate appellate court. For many…

Insurance Issues When a Stolen Car Causes Injury or Death

Who is liable when a car is stolen and the driver subsequently causes a collision and causes injuries or death? It is unlikely that the thief driving the car has any personal car insurance or assets. So, how would an injured individual or family be compensated after the accident for medical treatments and any other…

Uninsured Driver Causes Fatal Accident, Faces Jail Time

What is the penalty for driving without insurance in WV? A West Virginia woman faces up to a year in jail for knowingly driving an uninsured vehicle in a crash that killed a 5-year-old Maryland girl. The uninsured driver rear-ended the vehicle in which the little girl was riding with her great-grandmother, causing the collision…

Which Options Do I Need to Purchase for My Car Insurance? Part 2

Posted On April 15, 2014 I Firm News,Insurance Issues

Medical Payments (Med-pay) Coverage for Motor Vehicle Insurance With all the available options when purchasing an auto insurance policy, it can be challenging to balance budget and economy with protection. In trying to save money, many people overlook the value provided by the purchase of medical payments insurance coverage (med-pay coverage). Regardless of who is…