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Infrared Heat Night Vision for Motorcycles – Avoid Deer Strikes!

Posted On April 18, 2022 I Motorcycle Accidents,Technology

How to Know up to 2,000 feet in advance that an animal or human is on the road through infrared camera technology A split second can make all of the difference between a close call and a tragic motorcycle accident. Deer and other animal strikes are one of the greatest hazards on our scenic West…

Smartphone Voting App for the Disabled or Deployed West Virginia Military

Posted On August 16, 2018 I Firm News,Technology

March 2020 Update:West Virginia is opting not to use the Voatz voting app as a voting aid for deployed military after a study at MIT discovered vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to change a person’s vote without their knowledge. The Voatz app was used for the 2018 election without any reported problems, but voting security…