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How Can I File a Third-Party Claim After a Construction Accident?

Posted On March 17, 2025 I Workplace Injuries

If you suffered an injury in a construction accident and are seeking damages in addition to workers’ compensation, you may have a claim against negligent third parties. Construction sites are dangerous, and many disabling workplace accidents occur in the building industry. These injuries often prevent West Virginia construction workers from earning income, adding to their…

Tragic Construction Work Fatality In Clarksburg, WV

CLARKSBURG, WV – A tragic workplace fatality occurred in March 2022 in the Clarksburg area at around 2:30 pm.  Several pieces of heavy excavation equipment were being operated in the area of East Main Street in Clarksburg, West Virginia.  Wayne Burchard, age 75,  fell in front of a moving excavator and was run over by…

Who is Liable in a Construction Zone Accident?

Posted On March 14, 2022 I Workplace Injuries

Accidents inside construction zones are not uncommon. These are areas where there is a significant amount of activity taking place on and around the roadway, and this can be confusing for drivers. However, who will be held liable in the event an accident occurs in a construction zone? Determining liability after a vehicle accident in…

Do I Get Full Pay if I’m Injured at Work?

Posted On January 17, 2022 I Workplace Injuries

Any employee who sustains an on-the-job injury in West Virginia should be able to recover various types of compensation for their losses. Not only does this include full coverage of all medical expenses, but this also includes the replacement of lost wages. However, will you receive full pay if you sustain and are unable to…

What to Do if You’re Injured at Work in West Virginia?

Posted On January 10, 2022 I Workplace Injuries

Sustaining a workplace injury can be devastating. Not only do workplace injury victims have to deal with pain and suffering and medical visits, but they may also lose income if they cannot work. Here, we want to discuss the steps that you need to take after sustaining a West Virginia workplace injury in order to…

The Injured Person’s Responsibility in a WV Lawsuit

A large part of the reason we exist as a personal injury law firm is to aid and assist the seriously injured and their families in obtaining the best possible settlement and outcome for their case. We do a lot, but we cannot do it all. There are responsibilities which rest solelyon the injured person…

Accident at Axiall Chemical Plant in Marshall County WV

Posted On December 15, 2016 I Firm News,Workplace Injuries

As a personal injury attorney who has represented the families of employees killed or injured while working at coal mines, power plants, and chemical plants, I was saddened to hear on the news today that there were several injured while working at the Axiall Natrium chemical plant in WV. All the 11 workers admitted to…

The Future is Ours: Shale Crescent USA

Do you realize that the Mid-OhioValley, including West Virginia, is sitting on one of the largest oil and gas plays in the world? The opportunities on the horizon for the children of WV are truly exciting. Our area has some of the best resources, best waterways, good highways, great people, tremendous international export opportunities, and…

Two Firefighters Injured by Drunk Driver in Morgantown

Morgantown Woman Charged with DUI: A Morgantown woman is facing the criminal charge of DUI Causing Injury after hitting a Morgantown fireman with her vehicle while driving under the influence Wednesday night. According to a Morgantown Police Department press release, the thirty-year-old woman was taken to the North Central Regional Jail where she is awaiting…

Top Five Mistakes Injury Victims Make Regarding Their Claim

Avoid these Mistakesto Protect Your Injury Claim:   1. Don’t misstate information:Now, this point may seem obvious, but it is easy to overlook when you are under immediate pressure to give information about your injury claim. You may not have realized it at the time, but everything you have said about your injury claim will…