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Worker Killed at Preston County Mine Reclamation Site | Robinette Legal Group PLLC

KINGWOOD, WV:– A contract worker helping in the installation of a water treatment system at the former Decondor Coal Mine site in Preston County died on the job Tuesday when a ditch at a mine reclamation site caved in on him. This 38-year-old man was employed by Breakaway Inc. out of Sutton, West Virginia in…

PTSD After a Car Accident | Mental and Emotional Injuries

Emotional Injuries After a Motor Vehicle Collision After the trauma of a car accident, it is common for people to experience some degree of PTSD. Many of our clients, after they have been injured in an accident, express a fear of driving or even riding as a passenger in a car driven by someone else. Those…

WV Lawyer Explains | How Long Will I Have to Wait For a Settlement?

A common question I receive from clients is, “How long will it take for me to get a settlement?” If your injuries are minor, it can take just a few months to get your case settled. Insurance companies particularly require proof of your claim. We have to obtain medical records, employment records, expertreports, and those…

Client Testimonial for Professional Malpractice Representation

We love it when people come to us as new clients and leave as valued friends! Our experience has been nothing but good with this law firm. Having moved here from another state, we had no idea, when we needed an attorney, who to contact. This firm was recommended to us by friends and folks…

Robinette Legal Group PLLC Review

It started out early one morning. Before 8:30, you called the house because I left a message that I needed to talk to an attorney and I wanted to see an attorney. I didn’t expect you to call back. I expected to talk to your secretary but you called me back. After some discussion about…

Motorcycle Safety: Dress for the Slide, Not the Ride

Warm Weather is Motorcycle Weather in WV. Keep it Fun by Keeping it Safe! As a biker, you know you have all of the same rights as everyone else on the road. Even so, because you are less protected, you are more vulnerable to serious injuries. Motorcycle safety requires that you wear the right gear….

Hoagy’s Heroes, Long Distance Charity Riders

Posted On May 10, 2016 I Firm News

I’m the president and founder of Hoagy’s Heroes, long distance charity riders, Hoagy Carmichael. We go and promote long distance charity rides. Anywhere from 1000-mile days to 1500-mile days, even world record breakers of 2,036 miles; we even have a little short 500-mile run. We also do this for charity. So far, since 2004, we’ve…

Homelessness in WV: You Can Make a Difference

Posted On May 10, 2016 I Community Involvement,Firm News

Imagine… Imagine a city where we didn’t say, “Someone should do something.” Imagine a city where we worked together to help those less fortunate. Imagine a city where we viewed the homeless as people, not problems. Imagine if we cared for one another. Imagine if we invested in each other’s lives. Imagine if we gave…

Dress for the Slide, Not the Ride

Posted On April 28, 2016 I Firm News,Motorcycle Accidents

Hoagy Carmichael, Long Distance Charity Rider Hoagy Carmichael is the founder of Hoagy’s Heroes, a long-distance motorcycle charity ride organization established to fund children’s charities such as A Special Wish Foundation and Children of Fallen Heroes, a charity designed to help children whose parents have died in conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Hoagy has organized…

Morgantown, WV Auto Collision on the Mileground Results in Injuries

Posted On March 28, 2016 I Car Accident Injuries,Firm News

  Testimonial and Review From a Morgantown WV Car Accident Client We were driving down the Mileground, my wife and I, and somebody pulled out of a bar and didn’t stop. They didn’t slow down or anything and just accelerated into us and just kind of T-boned us in the middle, but just enough in…