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Beautiful on the Trees, Treacherous on the Roads: Be Ready!

Posted On December 28, 2018 I Car Accidents, Firm News

It is a beautiful time of year when we wake up many mornings pleasantly surprised to see a fresh, clean blanket of snow highlighting the dull browns and evergreens of winter. You may enjoy the beauty of the snow, the peacefulness of the landscape, or the fun of playing in the snow, so there really…

West Virginia Natural Gas Pipeline Project Ready to Run

Latest Update (June 2020): The United States Supreme Court has determined that the $8 Billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project that will deliver natural gas from West Virginia to the East Coast has permission to run underneath a segment of the Appalachian Trail. The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is a joint effort by Dominion Energy and Duke…

Jobs For Life | Morgantown, West Virginia

Posted On October 18, 2018 I Community Involvement, Firm News

“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.” As members of our Morgantown community, we are excited about the Jobs for Life Program at Christian Help, which is dedicated to helping people improve their position in life by offering…

Should I Sign the Insurance Company’s Medical Records Release Form?

You’ve been involved in acollision, and the insurance company wants you to sign a medical authorization form in order to gain access to your medical records. What should you do? West Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer Explains: Keep in mind that if you sign a medical authorization, you give the insurance company adjuster access to all…

Could Artificial Intelligence Replace Insurance Claims Adjusters?

Posted On October 5, 2018 I Car Accidents, Firm News

It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Computer algorithms have been used for over a decade by insurance companies to evaluate the worth of auto accident claims. Now, new developments in artificial intelligence (AI) may soon take over one of the most critical jobs in the insurance industry: disaster damage and accident…

Hoagy’s Heroes and Tabs for Tomorrow 2018

Posted On September 18, 2018 I Community Involvement, Firm News

MORGANTOWN, W.Va., September 15, 2018 – Two West Virginia based charities,Hoagy’s HeroesandTabs for Tomorrow, worked diligently for a year to collect over 465 gallons of aluminum tabs. These tabs were delivered by motorcycle on Saturday, September 15, 2018, at 11:00 a.m. to theRonald McDonald Houseof Morgantown. Participating motorcycle riders from Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia,…

Women and Children’s Tower Groundbreaking at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown

Posted On September 7, 2018 I Firm News

WVU Medicine Breaks Ground on New Tower to Care for Children with Acute Injuries WVU Hospitals has already broken ground on a $152-million hospital, which it claims, will “revolutionize the care of women and children in West Virginia and the region.” Hospital administrators said during the groundbreaking that the medical center already provides care to…

Kroger to Introduce Self-Driving Delivery Cars

Posted On September 6, 2018 I Driverless Cars, Firm News

By Elisabeth Campbell Kroger Grocery Store Chain is Testing Self-Driving Delivery Cars Along with the concept of flying cars, self-driving cars, in the past, have been seen as the cars of the distant future. Recently, however, they are looking more and more like the cars of the immediate future. Some vehicles already have some self-driving…

Smartphone Voting App for the Disabled or Deployed West Virginia Military

Posted On August 16, 2018 I Firm News, Technology

March 2020 Update:West Virginia is opting not to use the Voatz voting app as a voting aid for deployed military after a study at MIT discovered vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to change a person’s vote without their knowledge. The Voatz app was used for the 2018 election without any reported problems, but voting security…

The Injured Person’s Responsibility in a WV Lawsuit

A large part of the reason we exist as a personal injury law firm is to aid and assist the seriously injured and their families in obtaining the best possible settlement and outcome for their case. We do a lot, but we cannot do it all. There are responsibilities which rest solelyon the injured person…

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