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Robinette Legal Group, PLLC Wins Prestigious 2015 Litigator Award

Posted On January 19, 2016 I Firm News, Personal Injury

Robinette Legal Group, PLLC has been named as a 2015 Litigator Award Winner. Having been conferred this prestigious National Award, the firm ranks among the Top 1% of all lawyers forPersonal Injury and Medical Malpractice Litigation. Robinette Legal Group, PLLC, a trial law firm located in Morgantown, West Virginia, was awarded the prestigious 2015 Litigator…

How Can I Find and Afford the Best Lawyer for My Injury Case?

If you or your loved one has been seriously injured in a vehicle or work accident, no doubt you are overwhelmed by working through the recovery process, medical provider appointments, money spent and lost, all while you are moving ahead with the demands of “normal” life activities. Though you know you may need help in…

Two Firefighters Injured by Drunk Driver in Morgantown

Posted On November 19, 2015 I Car Accidents, DUI Collisions, Firm News, Workplace Injuries

Morgantown Woman Charged with DUI: A Morgantown woman is facing the criminal charge of DUI Causing Injury after hitting a Morgantown fireman with her vehicle while driving under the influence Wednesday night. According to a Morgantown Police Department press release, the thirty-year-old woman was taken to the North Central Regional Jail where she is awaiting…

A Salute to Our Veterans:

The Robinette Legal Group, PLLC in Morgantown salutes the men and women in our military and veterans for the sacrifices they have made. Our troops are working hard around the clock to defend our great country and keep freedom alive worldwide. Please keep them in your thoughts, prayers, and letters until they come home and…

You Snooze, You Lose: Drowsy Driving

Posted On November 4, 2015 I Car Accidents, Firm News, Truck Accidents

Most of us realize how dangerous driving under the influence or texting, while driving is, but driving while drowsy, can be equally dangerous. Sleepiness can cause slower reaction times, blurred vision, lapses in judgment, and delays in processing information. Before launching into your vacation, please consider the potential impact of driving while exhausted on your…

Caring For The Caregiver

Changes in Your Marriage Following a Serious Injury: In the course of our business as Morgantown car accident lawyers, we have the opportunity and privilege to work with many families who have suffered losses as a direct result of an unexpected life event such as a vehicle accident or work injury. When this sudden change…

Single Vehicle Accident on I-79 Causes Injuries

Posted On October 23, 2015 I Car Accident Injuries, Car Accidents, Firm News

Traffic was backed up for hours on I-68 near Morgantown as a result of a single-vehicle accident on I-79. Two people were injured in this wreck on Thursday afternoon and were taken by ambulance to Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown. Witnesses said the driver and a passenger were alive immediately following the accident which occurred on…

Families File Lawsuits After Scaffold Collapse

Posted On October 21, 2015 I Firm News

In October, 2015, two tragic scaffold collapses in Houston, Texas have resulted in injuries, deaths, and at least one worker left in a vegetative state. So, who was at fault, and who will provide care for these workers and their families? After aconstruction accident, what remedy exists for the injured to obtain necessary medical care…

Good For Morgantown: Fire Marshal Given Arrest Powers

Posted On September 16, 2015 I Firm News, Property and Fire Damage

MORGANTOWN, W.Va.– Did you know that from 2008-2012, Morgantown reported the second highest number of dumpsterfires causing property damagein the country, more than cities such as Los Angeles, San Antonio or Philadelphia? (Columbus, Ohio is first). Recklessness and lawlessness are not the best ways to celebrate our victories. The City of Morgantown will soon have…

Your Life Matters. Put it Down and Just Drive.

Posted On September 2, 2015 I Car Accidents, Distracted Driving, Firm News

Distracted Driving Isn’t Just About Texting: Let’s face it — the morning routine can be a little hectic. With the kids back at school, it seems the family schedule has become exponentially complicated with school, work, sports, and club schedules, not to mention the countless errands required to keep a family and household running smoothly….

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