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Morgantown Injury Attorney Explains | What is Fair Compensation for an Injury Claim in WV?

Posted On January 26, 2015 I Firm News

What do I need to know about Personal Injury Claims in West Virginia? A common question asked by people who have been injured in accidents is “What is fair compensation formy injuries? Under WV law, an injured person is entitled to compensation for their medical bills (including future medical care), lost wages, and pain and…

Governor Tomblin Calls for Research Aimed at Reducing Pipeline Construction Deaths in WV

Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) and the transmission of compressed natural gasis the inevitable wave of the future of West Virginia. We cannot afford to ignore a technology that has such enormous potential benefits, however, we must proceed with caution to avoid causing unintended harm tohuman health and the environment in the drilling and fracking process, pipeline…

Uninsured Driver Causes Fatal Accident, Faces Jail Time

Posted On January 15, 2015 I Car Accidents, Firm News, Insurance Issues, Wrongful Death

What is the penalty for driving without insurance in WV? A West Virginia woman faces up to a year in jail for knowingly driving an uninsured vehicle in a crash that killed a 5-year-old Maryland girl. The uninsured driver rear-ended the vehicle in which the little girl was riding with her great-grandmother, causing the collision…

Help for Injured Veterans Through Horse Therapy

Alternative Therapies for the Injured I recently had the privilege of reading about Aaron Heliker, an Air Force veteran, who returned home from and Iraq and Afghanistan to face PTSD, TBI, third-degree burns, and nerve damage. Heliker was given 42 medications when he returned home from war. He found healing in working with and building…

Subsidiary of ExxonMobil Ordered to Pay for Clean up of Polluted Waterways After Drilling

CompanyOrdered topayfor damage from Natural Gas Extraction in Three WV Counties Horizontal hydraulic fracturing hasincreased at breakneck speedin WV during the past three to four years. For this reason, we are just now seeing verdicts andsettlements related to damagesto people andcontamination of their landwhich have been linked to fracking operations. A subsidiary of ExxonMobil will…

Multi-vehicle Accidents on I-68 Claim Three Lives, Injure Others

Posted On December 20, 2014 I Car Accident Injuries, Car Accidents, Firm News

When the days are short and the temperature drops below freezing, driving hazards are increased exponentially. Snow, ice, and foggy conditions make driving treacherous, often causing vehicle wrecks and injuries. When winter driving is made even more dangerous by debris on the road, the results can be fatal. Three Fatal Wrecks on I-68 Recently, a young…

Merry Christmas!

Posted On December 14, 2014 I Christmas, Firm News

Merry Christmas from your friends at the Robinette Legal Group PLLC!

Should I use Facebook or Social Media if I am Considering a Lawsuit?

Posted On December 6, 2014 I Car Accidents, Firm News, Personal Injury

Why You should Not Post Anything on Social Media about the Accident We have seen seriously injured people ruin their own case by posting seemingly “innocent” statements about their accident and activities following the accident. Don’t let this happen to you. Be proactive about protecting your legitimate injury claim. It is a common practice for…

Morgantown Injury Lawyers Support Thanksgiving Meal at the Fairmont Union Mission

Posted On November 25, 2014 I Firm News

ByJeff RobinetteofRobinette Legal Group, PLLCon Tuesday, November 25, 2014. The Morgantown, WV personal injury attorneys at The Robinette Legal Group, PLLC are pleased to support the Thanksgiving Meal of the Fairmont Union Mission. The Union Rescue Mission in Fairmont, WV served 45,014 meals in 2013, and 783 of those meals were served on Thanksgiving Day….

Miner Killed in Coal Mine Accident Near Morgantown WV

Posted On November 11, 2014 I Coal Mine Injury and Death, Firm News

West Virginia coal miners are among the hardest working professionals in America. Despite strong MSHA regulations, coal mining continues to be one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. MONONGALIA COUNTY, W.Va. – A49year old Maidsvillecoal miner suffered afatal injuryon Monday nightwhen he was operating a roofbolting machine and was struck by a rockat…

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