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Lawsuits Filed for Blasting and Explosions Damage to Homes and Property in West Virginia

Posted On August 8, 2014 I Firm News, Property Damage

Monongalia County couple Sues for Damages from Blasting A Monongalia County has filed a lawsuit after their home was damaged by blasting work which was occurring for the construction of a new natural gas pipeline causing more than $100,000 of damage. The new gas line will run from Harrison County, through Mon County, up to…

Inmates injured in 3-vehicle collision

Posted On July 31, 2014 I Car Accidents, Firm News

Six people were injured in an accident in West Virginia that happened at approximately 7:45 a.m. on July 21. The three-vehicle crash occurred on Route 39 according to a representative for Military Affairs and Public Safety. The incident began when a driver lost control of his car at the road’s Peters Creek intersection and hit…

1 dead, 1 hurt in West Virginia car accident

Posted On July 17, 2014 I Car Accidents, Firm News

A 21-year-old man is dead following a single-car crash in Huntington during the early morning hours of July 13. One other individual who was involved was hospitalized, officials reported. The fatalcar accidentreportedly occurred on Spring Valley Road when a 21-year-old man driving a 1999 Ford F-150 pickup truck veered off the road and overturned into…

What to do After a Car Accident Causes a Head Injury

Car Accidents are a common cause of serious head injuries which may result in Traumatic Brain Injury. An auto collision could happen to anyone. Recently, just outside of Morgantown, WV, a car accident occurred on W.Va. 7 when the driver attempted to round the Wagon Wheel curve near Greer Limestone. The vehicle left the roadway,…

2 killed, 1 injured in West Virginia crash

Posted On July 1, 2014 I Car Accidents, Firm News

Two people died and another was injured from a car accident that happened in West Virginia on June 27. The wreck occurred at the 3 Mile Curve on Route 10 in Logan County. Police say a 53-year-old woman was driving with her 28-year-old son in the passenger seat northbound on Route 10 when the vehicle…

July 4th: Keep it Fun; Keep it Safe

Independence Day —a Dangerous Day for Drivers As West Virginians plan their travel, picnics,parties,and fireworks, themostessential concernthat may be neglected is a focus on safety. It is unfortunate, but the 4thof July is often linked to boat,whitewater raftingandcar accidents, drowsy or drunk driving, speeding, and recklessness on our highways. In addition to becoming one of…

Fracking Wastewater Trucks involved in Rear End Collision

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of accidents, and this type of impact can do serious damage to both the vehicles, the drivers, and the passengers inside. Rear-end collisions typically occur at intersections or in heavy traffic where one car is stopped or slowed and another comes up behind it and is…

Water Contamination from Hydraulic Fracturing

Problems with Water Quality Contamination near Gas and Oil Drilling Sites The oil and gas industry in West Virginia was significant in our past and is vital to our future. Presently, the state of West Virginia is anticipating tremendous economic growth as the oil and gas industry develops. Not only are thousands of jobs being…

Questions remain after Tracy Morgan truck v. limo crash

Posted On June 18, 2014 I Firm News, Truck Accidents

Fatigued semi-trailer drivers are a significant safety risk on our roads here in West Virginia and across the country. Federal regulations limit the number of hours a trucker can be on the road without rest, but some say that these rules need to be even stricter. In the aftermath of a truck accident that left…

Gas Drilling Permits in WV: January Through May 2014

Posted On June 9, 2014 I Firm News, Fracking News in WV

In the past five months, natural gas developers applied for 272 well permits and 230 of those have been approved, according to Department of Environmental Protection Office of Oil and Gas public notices. The majority of the boom is confined to 13 north-central counties, with the vast bulk of activity based in just five of…

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