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When Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UIM) is an Issue in a Car Accident Injury Claim

Posted On May 30, 2014 I Car Accident Injuries, Firm News

The following is a situation relayed to us from a chat transcript our office recently received regarding underinsured motorist coverage, or more accurately, the lack of it. All chats initiated on our website are confidential, so all personal details have been omitted: “I was hit by another driver when they failed to maintain their lane….

West Virginia Car Accident or Work Injury: Coping with Chronic Pain

“The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain.” ~ Aristotle The types of injuries which can occur as a result of a car accident or workplace accident are varied, but the one factor that affects every injury victim is the problem of pain. People spend their lives seeking to avoid…

Traveling for Memorial Day Weekend? Stay Sober and Buckle Up

Posted On May 23, 2014 I Car Accidents, Firm News

The National Safety Council estimates that 384 people will lose their lives this holiday weekend in fatal car accidents. More than 40,000 more will seek medical attention for injuries suffered in crashes. The NSC is publishing this information as an effort toencourage people to drive responsibly this weekend. Here in West Virginia, many people left…

Personal Injury Content Marketing: A Win/Win Proposition

Posted On May 18, 2014 I Firm News, Personal Injury

Providing valuable information to victims in need isour first priority. The Robinette Legal Group, PLLCexists to help the victims of negligence and illegal actions gainneeded financial resources to receive medical treatment and rebuild their lives after a catastrophic injury. As a result of the unique insight we have gained, we also endeavor to provide current…

E-cigarettes, a Dangerous Product Gaining Popularity in West Virginia

Morgantown, WV: As smoking bans become the norm in public places throughout thecommunitiesofWest Virginia,thenumber of people using e-cigarettesisrapidly increasing. If you have been seriously injured by an e-cigarette product, call the Robinette Legal Group, PLLC today: 304-594-1800 for a free consultation, or contact one of our West Virginia E-Cigarette Injury Lawyers to find answers. Smokers…

Is Google Glass the Next Major Distraction for Drivers?

Will Using Google Glass While Driving Cause Collisions? Eight U.S. states including West Virginia are considering regulating the use of Google Glass, a tiny computer screen mounted in the corner of an eyeglass frame, while driving a motor vehicle. Law enforcement agencies, NHTSA, distracted driving sites such as, and attorneys who specialize in personal…

West Virginia couple sues trucker and truck companies after crash

Posted On May 9, 2014 I Firm News, Truck Accidents

Those who are involved in commercial truck accidents in West Virginia are often wise to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. This is because it may be possible to hold the trucker and the truck company legally accountable, potentially among other parties as well. It can be important that a skilled attorney is on…

Car Accidents are the Third Leading Cause of Brain Injury

Posted On April 21, 2014 I Car Accidents, Firm News

If you or someone you love has suffered a head injury in a car crash or another type of accident, it may be critical to see a doctor as soon as possible. Evidence of brain injuries may not be noticeable right away, but it is important to seek medical care after sustaining a blow to…

Oil Extraction in West Virginia: Benefits and Risks of Hydraulic Fracturing

Posted On April 17, 2014 I Firm News, Truck Accidents, Workplace Injuries

Oil Drilling in West Virginia: A Call for Safety First to Prevent Workplace Injuries Since the 1700’s the Appalachian Basin has been a known source of crude oil trapped deep in layers of black shale. Energy prospectors are seeing new potential for oil drilling in the Appalachian Basin, particularly in Eastern Kentucky and Southern West…

Which Options Do I Need to Purchase for My Car Insurance? Part 2

Posted On April 15, 2014 I Firm News, Insurance Issues

Medical Payments (Med-pay) Coverage for Motor Vehicle Insurance With all the available options when purchasing an auto insurance policy, it can be challenging to balance budget and economy with protection. In trying to save money, many people overlook the value provided by the purchase of medical payments insurance coverage (med-pay coverage). Regardless of who is…

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